Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We need holidays...

I was planning on talking about something else, but today's events are worth sharing!

On Monday, I received a note from Cédric's teacher telling me his class would go bowling this afternoon. That didn't worry me as he's been bowling with the school before, and no permission slip was required.
At noon today, on my way to school to feed Cédric, it struck me that usually, when there is an outing, the school asks me to drive Cédric because the bus is not equipped for his harness. Hmm, weird...

When I arrived, one of the teacher's aids who works with him asked me if he was going and I told her I wasn't too sure... After recess, I therefore asked his teacher and the teacher in charge of special education, who were coming towards me together, if Cédric was going. There had been a communication "omission" and the former had forgotten to warn the latter who takes care of logistics and therefore of contacting me to organize outings. I asked the teacher's aid who takes care of him in the afternoon if she intended of taking him and she said yes.
So off we went with Cédric  to my car (as the bus had left without waiting for the teacher's aids) and there: Oops! No car seat!! I had put it in the car of the person who takes care of him for respite yesterday and had not taken the time to put it back in mine... We therefore had to walk the crying little man back to school (the tears dried fast with a snack, music and a wagon ride) and no bowling for him!
We concluded (with humour) that we made a nice team and I believe all these ladies, myself included, need a holiday!
Thank God, Cédric is easily distracted. For some autistic children, these last minute changes could have been devastating.

A little anecdote that might seem trivial but shows nonetheless all the small extra obstacles and the constant need for organisation added to our daily life ;)


  1. Oh gosh, I can relate on sooo many levels. The constant worrying, planing, wondering, packing supplies,communication, etc. etc. I feel like I can keep it up 99 days out of a 100 and then for that one day I'm COMPLETELY exhausted - mentally and physically. I myself had a trying day taking Adam to the Community Living Graduation party where he spent the whole time avoiding people and asking to go home. Then when it comes time for him to "graduate" and receive his gift, he walks up there like he could care less and like a puppet we put his graduation hat, make him pose for a picture while the adults clap and cheer throught the whole thing. He doesn't even care yet I'm putting on a show as though my praise and appreciation means something to him. *Sigh* I hope on some level it DOES mean something to him. Bad day. Need some retail therapy.

    Great post M-F. :)

  2. Oh no Hanna! I'm sorry :(
    I remember the "graduation". Cédric had fun in the bouncy thing and didn't do too bad, but the photo was not great. He did his floppy thing where he drops to the ground and which means I DO NOT want to be here...
    On the other hand, I do think you praise means something. I know it does for Cédric, he doesn't always show it, but lately he does smile a little when we really praise him, like he's proud of himself. Deep down, I'm sure Adam does too!
    And as for the retail therapy, go buy yourself a house... lol. I do hope you find a nice one soon!


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